21 April 2006

accident ...

Don't know whether you have ever watched the film - "Sliding door"? How a split-second difference changes the course of your life ... (know that it sounds like an action-packed film, but it is more in the romantic genre!) Anyway, yesterday, somehow, I ended up crashing with a cyclist at the back of the hosptial (the situation was quite complicated, and to be honest, probably 50% faults each side) ... she wasn't hurt very badly (and I only had a few scratches), but if it was a car, I would definitely not be writing this blog now. It kinda bought everything into prospective. All these revisions/stress/demands on our daily lives really do not matter in the whole eternity scheme! also, unless I become mega famous (even that is short-lived now, given how celebrity-overloaded we are!), the only people who will care are those who love us, and it is bizarre how we salve away to gain approvals from those who don't. But in a way, it is in human's nature to want "what-you-cannot-have", as otherwise, why is there advertising at the first place?

Woo, this is a bit depressing for a blog (I am generally a very uplifting person!!!) , but hey, this is indeed life!