31 January 2007

May ball ...

... is definitely an Oxbridge tradition. It used to be a highlight in my undergraduate days (which does seem a very long time ago)! Your life had a structure then - just play in the Michaelmas term ~ lots of cakes, long lunches, formal halls, random society bubble. Lent term usually involved a substantial amount of panic, while the Easter term was basically spent at the library all days long, but with May week to look forwards to ~ strawberries, punting, staying up all nights watching meaningless DVDs, more teas and cakes ... then it is off to a long long summer somewhere hot ...

Now, it is work all year round, with different hours every week ... you just keep on ploughing on and before you know it, another year has gone by ...

... am having one of my nostalgia days :) - well, at least I can put the kettle on and have teas ...

23 January 2007

free hugs movement ...

... was mentioned in the Times today. It all started 2 years ago, by a guy (Juan Mann) who has returned from London to Sydney, with a bag full of clothes and a world of troubles ... no one to greet him, to say hello, to take him home, to hug him ...

You can read the rest of the story at http://www.freehugscampaign.org/
The video is amazing, full of hope, I love the guy in blue, who jumped towards a hug ...

In the Times' articles, the reporter huged a 53 years old, who was working at the newspaper vendor. She hasn't received a "hug from a fella in seven years. Not since my John died". Sometimes, our world can seem such a cold place, especially in January, in the midst of wind, exhaustion, daily routine, work ... sometimes, we grow deaf and blind to those around us ... But hey, not everything is lost, let's start with a hug today ...

16 January 2007

wedding ...

... my little sister is getting married on Thursday. It is kinda scary, as she is my little sister (so I will always imagine her as being 10!), but I am so happy for her at the same time, as she has found someone whom she wants to spend the rest of her livfe with! Quite amazing really, as it can be hard to find that special someone ...

"That is the true season of love, when we believe that we alone can love, that no one could ever have loved so before us, and that no one will love in the same way after us" - J Wolfgang von Goethe

Wishing that their "love is like a tree, it grows of its own accord, it puts down deep roots into our whole being" - Victor Hugo