17 May 2006

a hole ...

... was found in my umberlla today when London was bathing in rain. I have been happily using it, shading me from the rain, without realising its existence. There are also posters "We need to talk" (promoting the book "We need to talk about Kevin") all over the tube. Somehow, they become connected in my little brain and got me thinking. In our society today, we value "talking", "expressing our emotions" etc tremendously, but is it possible for us to over-express ourselves? ie. by focusing our energy so much on the problem, we become lost within its mist, and maybe even drown in it ...

Of course, as the advert said "it is good to talk", but maybe it will be better to talk about the positive things. As for the negatives, maybe somehow, they will flow away or become less important, if we begin to see the goodness around us, even the rain can be refreshing.