05 May 2006

seeing friends ...

... is getting so difficult! A friend from my Cambridge days emailed yesterday and it has been two and a half years since I last saw her. We were very good mates (she lived upstairs to me), and I will always remember those times we spent over broken relationships, exam stress, gossip, "what to wear to dates/balls" etc ... oh, she also cooked wicked meals!!!

In a way, this is the kind of friendship I missed the most, since I moved to London and lived on my own. Someone who knows your day-to-day life, the ups-and-downs. Even with my closet friends in London (beside fellow medics, who are embarking on the "finals" journey), I only see them once every 3-4 weeks, I suppose everyone is busy; working, cleaning the house, meeting the one, expanding the mind, breathing in essential oxygen and absorbing the luxurious sunshines, to cope in this big big world for another day :)