02 July 2006

business ...

is such an interesting word! I was trying to write "busy-ness", but it turned out to be "business". Sometimes, English language can be so unpredictable, it is actually unbelieveable! :)

Life has been very hectic, since coming back from Brussels in mid-June ... There were so many errands to run (they have been piling up since revision started), on top of celebrating, filling 10 millions forms for the job, packing etc etc. It all became kinda crazy.

Things didn't really get any better when I arrived at Hong Kong, as there was more errands ... but suddenly, the last few days, I can just read (highly recommend "I capture the castle" by Dodie Smith, not sure about "Dubliners" by James Joyce), watch TV (for those who don't know me, I don't have a TV at my flat in London. So I have been catching up on pop culture ie. "ER", "House", "24"), eat, sleep and take pictures. I will try to pull my act together and write some entertaining blogs (as my last entry is just random!!)

To be honest, this is not really interesting either, but hey, at least it is a start! :)