30 April 2011

The Gathering ...

... a novel by Anne Enright is about childhood, death, desires, disappointment, fates, losses and memories, as a woman tried to come to terms with the suicide of Liam and her own emptiness ...

"But I do not want a different destiny from the one that has brought me here.  I do not want a different life.  I just want to be able to live it, that's all.  I want to wake up in the morning and fall asleep at night,  I want to make love to my husband again.  Because, for every time he wanted to undo me, there was love that put me back together again - put us both back together.  If I could just remember them too.  If I could remember each time, as you remember different places you have seen - some of them so amazing; exotic, or confusing, or still ... ....

Gatwick airport is not the best place to be gripped by a fear of flying.  But it seems that this is what is happening to me now; because you are up so high, in those things, and there is such a long way to fall.  Then again, I have been falling for months.  I have been falling into my own life, for months.  And I am about to hit it now."