25 December 2011

Hector and the search for happiness ...

... is a book by Francois Lelord chosen by my sister for me to read over Christmas ... Hector does indeed think like a a psychiatrist (especially the part about not being a real doctor and not knowing what to do when someone is ill on a plane). Hector summarised his search for happiness as "the five families of happiness":

- joy, celebration, traveling, being in bed with a woman you desire.
- doing a job you like, wanting to attain a goal.
- feeling contended and wanting that to last ... by comparison with others or with your own past. Or when you don't compare yourself with anything at all!! (I think I agree more with the latter; comparison is a difficult road to take).
- certain way of seeing things. Cultivating your serenity and keeping hold of it whatever happens.
- friendship, mutual love, caring about other people's happiness or unhappiness, feeling useful to others.

I think I need to work on serenity ... well, meanwhile, Happy Christmas 2011! (The radio is now playing East 17's "Stay another day", reminding me of a gorgeous Carol I went to this year).