31 December 2011

Things that makes me smile ...

... is a slightly random list but it will be interesting to have a record (or I am just a data junkie!).

- warmth of sunshine on my face

- snow falling silently

- catching up with books/films/TV/articles under a massive duvet when unwell

- good ice cream/frozen yoghurt, even if it is freezing outside

- cups and cups of green teas

- Japanese food, especially at Sakana-Tei

- travelling; the excitement of seeing the world for the first time ... sunrise at Mount Sinai, the reflectiveness of Mount Fuji, the vastness of Great Ocean Road, a stunning monastery in Portugal, early morning at Taj Mahal, the mist over Sans Francisco, fallen leaves at NYC, the energy at Chicago, thick thick snow in a little town in Russia, dim sum in China, European bridges, stars in Sahara Desert, singing/chanting in beautiful empty Swedish cathedrals, renaissance painting at Florence, the humidity at Vietnam ... this can be endless ...

- anticipation of a secret cinema event

- random, full-of-tangents conversation with friends and loved ones

- love in its various forms

- psychiatry; especially when they are reunited with their loved ones/at peace/smile again

- discovering poems/beauty in unlikely places

- wandering in galleries aimlessly

- being so engrossed in a book/play/ballet/film that it becomes the sole reality (albeit briefly)

- reading the weekend paper at a cosy coffee shop in winter and on the green green grass in summer

- snorkelling and greeting Nemos in crystal blue seas

- walking barefoot on a sandy beaches/lush green grass

- the first bite of a fresh red apple

- boat trips in the sun

- the smell of cookies baking in the oven

- chatting away in a pub with mulled wine/winter pimms

- receiving text messages on a super busy day/when unwell

- having long text conversations with my sister

- writing cards for no apparent reason just because I want to

- finding forgotten love notes

- unexpected kindness from a stranger

- watching films outdoors

- writing illegible postcards while on holiday

- the smell of fresh flowers; in the kitchen, windowsill, garden or countryside ...

- the dawn of finally understanding something after much struggles: be it a solution, a concept, an interpretation, even a mathematical formula ...

- meeting and talking to interesting people at a party

- cello recitals at Wigmore Hall

- a favorite tune playing unexpectedly on the radio

- the sense of relaxation after a facial/massage/exercise

- doing something that makes someone smile; be it stopping the bus while they are running for it, trying to give them some directions by using my iPhone, calling/skyping a friend ...

- the smell of rain on freshly cut grass

- looking at photos, especially holiday snaps of other people with a running commentary on the side

- a sparkling clean flat after spending hours cleaning it (I love cleaning - strange but true ...)

- sleeping-in without setting the alarm, then with nothing planned for the rest of the day

- skinned milk porridge with granola, berries and almonds

- noodles with all of its glorious garnish; be it Japanese, Thai, Vietnamese, Chinese, Taiwanese, soup, fried, sauce ...

- a long bath after a hard day at work

- the feeling of having survived after a set of night shifts with no one dying/being hurt

- listening to love stories, especially the difficult complex ones with happy endings

- being recommended an unknown book/film which turns out I love

- opening the post box every morning (before discovering the bills within)

- beautiful sunflowers at the forensic psychiatric wards (these are grown and cared for by the patients)

- walking in central London late at night when it is bathed in Christmas lights

- slightly chaotic Christmas with family

- an article being finally accepted for publication

- a good therapy session after a hard week

- coming across little things which are perfect for someone

- sitting by a river on a clear summer night

- the smell of my mama's cooking

- emails from my papa

- kicking a pile of fallen leaves (sorry, street sweepers!)

- looking at flickering candles

- Tapping the extra hot crumbles from Le Pain Quotidien

- Making extra thin pancakes in the morning

- falafels at Camberwell especially after a hard consultation

- lobster at Big Easy with my best mate SK

- browsing at Whole Food/farmers markets

- reflecting in a church alone

- the hilarious comments/laughters at The Ritzy

- holding a hot cup of coffee when the morning is cold and way too early

January 2012

- Floating in the ocean with the sun shining

- Collecting seashells

- Trying a new dish and it is simply delicious

- Finding a new cool band

- Watching sunset on the beach

- Binging on sweet, cold watermelons

- Blowing bubbles and watching them float

- Learning new words and finally being able to pronounce them

- Finding a still open M&S after a very late flight

- Finally getting into bed after a hard long day

- Clean sheets on bed

- My friend SAK's amazing baking

- The sense of overwhelming relief after a tricky presentation

- Exploring the wonderful food selection at Japan Centre

February 2012

- Munching on Leon's baked fries

- Stumbling onto some silly but philosophical cartoons/photos/drawing on the world wide web

- Realising that my friend is slowly but surely on the road to recovery

- Being given a ticket to a brilliant exhibition by a complete kind stranger

- Finding the last portion of Wakame Chuka seaweed salads from Japan centre

March 2012

- Waiting for departure as in a few hours' time, you will be wandering in a magical, fairytale liked European city

- revisiting old holiday haunts and recalling some fond memories

- Retrieving my lost iphone because of the goodness of a stranger

April 2012

- Twittering and blogging random information of little interests to others, but myself

- Sending back-and-forth catching up texts with my friends in NYC/DC/Sydney

- Opening my beautiful Fortnum and Mason Easter Egg (and having the best sister ever!)

May 2012

- Booking a city break out of the blue, just because it is raining in London and I want ice-cream

- Receiving my favourite chocolate (Montezuma) unexpectedly

- Being Elmo (the title explains it all)

- Discovering the creative power of art in the midst of suffering ... a group painting of David Hockney by patients at the end of life ...

- Stealing a Top Hat from an awesome party 

- Wearing my battered Birkenstock to work

- Drinking fruity pimms under the lights by Southbank

- Picnic-ing on goodies from the Whole Food store under the beautiful sunshine

June 2012

- Wandering at the ancient Pantheon

- Savouring Italian ice-cream ... (not the men ...)

- Holding a big bag of ice on my face at Sperlonga during a pretty dramatic nosebleed ...

July 2012

- Meeting someone who makes you laugh unexpectedly ...

- Finding a second handed raincoat at the Oxfam shop when the sky broke at Latitude 2012 

- Singing along to my favourite indie bands

- Lying down in the sunshine on a massive field with Ed Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros playing "Home"

- Discovering a beautiful poetry/dance/play at Latitude 2012

- Having a poem written just for you

- Having a hot shower after 5 days of antiseptic wipes existence ...

- Introducing the amazing Pimms to an Italian (who kind of liked it!)

- Waiting for cello music to be played at the British BBC Proms

- Drinking at a pub late at night with friends from everywhere

August 2012

- Trying to finish the never-ending courses of a Swedish tasting menu

- Learning the letter cubes at Southbank changes throughout the year ... 

- Finding fellow Miyazaki fans

- Discovering an apple at the bottom of my bag after a 12 hours shift and I was starving

- Reading lovely messages from my friends/family after my beloved phone was snatched  

- Having Sachertorte (my favourite cake in the world!)

- Realising that Hundertwasserhaus is as magical as I have always imagined

- Outdoor-swimming in a random canal in Vienna

- Bathing in the golden wonders of "Der Kuss" by Gustav Klimt 

- Catching a cab in a torrent of rain 

- Opening boxes after boxes of wonders at Edible cinema while watching "Spirited Away"

- Knowing that my instinct is kind of right afterall ... 

- Enjoying the luxury of working from home

- Staring at disbelief of my feeble attempts at life drawing 

- Heaping feathery snow in the company of Les Studio de Cirque angels

September 2012

- Having meandering, sometimes hilarious, text/what'sapp conversation

- Being engrossed in an unusual grand round at Granta Magazine launch 
- Swirling Framboise Lambic beer at the Dovetail
- Jumping on the train, going somewhere for no apparent reason but only you can, and finding a little country pub along the way with the perfect summer Pimms in the sunshine ...  

October 2012
- Discovering graffiti in an unexpected corner (Haus Schwarzenberg)
- Immersing in the poignant art of Kathe Kollwitz
- Receiving a text greeting of "Happy Birthday" at exactly at midnight ...
- Being baked the Sachertorte (the ultimate chocolate cake)
- Dragging my ever-so-patient friend in the rain to find a dancing place
- Standing in the cold in a magician outfit for the elusive 344
- Magic tricks by someone special at WaterPoet

November 2012
- Looking at West Egg, where Gatsby lived for his beloved Daisy
- Playing the piano at a gallery at the Chelsea Market NYC and encountering ELMO cupcakes!
- Reading beautiful poetry at the massive Strand bookshop
- Twinkling glass sculptures by Jean-Michel Othoniel  
- Co-freeing a car from frozen sand at Rockaway Beach
- Laughing all the way on a train journey from Colchester to London
- Helping two very sweet children with their piano exams
- Admiring the rain in the rain room at the Barbician