18 October 2012

Time is ...

... by Henry Van Dyke summaries this week for me and maybe an ideal superpower will be to shape time; to relieve certain moments, to fasten certain frames but ultimately, the clock hand moves forward in its own pace, with or without our participation ... 

Time is 
Too Slow for those who Wait,
Too Swift for those who Fear,
Too Long for those who Grieve,
Too Short for those who Rejoice;
But for those who Love,
Time is not.

Also, in "The Lost Steps" by Alejo Carpentier ... 

This living in the present, without possessions, without the chains of yesterday, without thinking of tomorrow, seemed to me amazing.  And yet it was apparent that this attitude must lengthen the lapse of hours from one sun to another   She spoke of days that were very long and of days that were very short, as though they were in different tempos - tempos of a telluric symphony that had its andantes and  adagios, as well as its prestos.  The astonishing thing was that, now that time was of no concern to me, I noticed in myself different values of the intervals: the prolongation of certain mornings, the frugal elaboration of a sunset, and was lost in wonder at all that could be fitted into certain tempos of this symphony which we were reading backward from right to left, contrary to the key of G, returning to the measures of Genesis.