12 June 2006

private vs public worlds ...

... is an interesting concept, but it is definitely true. It is sad in a way, since our culture drives us to attain perfection. We have to be happy, successful, famous, with "sorted" life, or at least, desiring such a life. Or we go to the other extreme, becoming those who do not care, only-live-for-the-moment, trying to be free from the mundate world ...

Again, I am generalising, but hey, maybe for today, when we ask someone "how are you?", we will stop what we are doing, pause, look at them and genuinely listen. Even if they say "I am okay", listen to their tones, the underlying smiles, and maybe, when we are asked in return, we will also examine our own hearts and give a honest answer.

Okay dokey, got surgurical exam tomorrow. Should get back to work, but hey, last exam for this year!