29 July 2006

one of those days ...

… at which I didn’t manage to achieve much, but soooo enjoyable. All it involves are catching up with friends, writing cards, reading (a short history of tractors in Ukrainian ~ not bad, very light), listening to my-pretty-awful-music selection (aka Cantonese pop, James Blunt, Coldplay, cello pieces …), tidying up the flat (moving everything from the suitcases into the wardrobes ~ a highly complicated process!), sorting out my photos (and remembering the wonderful times they represent), eat to my heart’s contents …

I should have been at the affiliation ceremony at South Kensington, spending time with my year, celebrating graduation (again?!?), but as my parents are away, there is no obligation to go, and I don’t fancy clapping at least 300 times, and saying “good byes” all over again. It was emotionally draining enough at our final year ball, and to do it again does require a lot of courage, which sadly, I do not have.

So, I hope that the motto for IC medics from the year 2006: “the best portion of a good person’s life; their little, nameless, unremembered acts of kindness & love” (Wordsworth)

dashing to a BBQ in a few minutes …