13 February 2012

David Hockney ...

... at the Royal Academy of Art was full of psychedically coloured woods, trees and flowers, awing me with the wonders of nature through the prism of memory while urging me to look at the world afresh one more time ...

‘We see with memory. My memory is different from yours, so if we are both standing in the same place we’re not quite seeing the same thing. Different individuals have different memories; therefore other elements are playing a part. Whether you have been in a place before will affect you, and how well you know it. There’s no objective vision ever – ever.’ (David Hockney speaking to Martin Gayford, 2009).

David Hockney, 'The Arrival Of Spring', 2011.

Woldgate Woods, 21, 23 and 29 November 2006.

"Every tree is different. Every single one. The branches, the forces in it; they are marvellously different. You are thrilled. This is the infinity of nature." (David Hockney speaking to MArco Livingstone, 2008).