06 February 2012

Lady with an Ermine

... by Leonardo Da Vinci is a beautiful painting I encountered recently at an exhibition ... The poem penned by Bernardo Bellincioni to accompany it sums up the sentiment of art, beauty and nature for me ...

Nature, who stirs your wrath, who arouses your envy?'
It is Vinci, who has painted one of your stars!
Cecilia, today so very beautiful, is the one
Beside whose beautiful eyes the sun appears as a dark shadow.

All honour to you, even if in his picture
She seems to listen and not talk.
Think only, the more alive and more beautiful she is,
The greater will be your glory in future times.
Be grateful therefore to Ludovico, or rather
To the talent and hand of Leonardo
Which allows you to be part of posterity.
Everyone who sees her - even if too late
To see her alive - will say: that suffices for us
To understand what is nature and what art.